Friday, December 4, 2015

THE CLOWN PUNISHED Stéphane Mallarmé


Yeux, lacs avec ma simple ivresse de renaître
Eyes, lakes with my simple intoxication to be reborn
Autre que l'histrion qui du geste évoquais
Other than the actor who with jesture evoked
Comme plume la suie ignoble des quinquets,
Like a plume the low soot of the lamps,
J'ai troué dans le mur de toile une fenêtre.
I have pierced through the canvas wall a window.

De ma jambe et des bras limpide nageur traître,
Clear swimmer-traitor, with my arms and legs
À bonds multipliés, reniant le mauvais
In multiplied bounds, denying the bad
Hamlet ! c'est comme si dans l'onde j'innovais
Hamlet! it is as if in the wave I created
Mille sépulcres pour y vierge disparaître.
A thousand sephulcres to disappear there in virgin purity.

Hilare or de cymbale à des poings irrité,
Hilarious golden cymbal irritated by fists,
Tout à coup le soleil frappe la nudité
Suddenly the sun strikes the nakedness
Qui pure s'exhala de ma fraîcheur de nacre,
Which exhaled pure from my freshness of nacre,

Rance nuit de la peau quand sur moi vous passiez,
Rancid night of the skin when you passed over me,
Ne sachant pas, ingrat ! que c'était tout mon sacre,
Not knowing, ungrateful! it was my consecration,
Ce fard noyé dans l'eau perfide des glaciers.
The makeup drowned in the treacherous water of the glaciers. 
Stéphane Mallarmé
Translated by Louis Martin

Monday, October 5, 2015

Was I like him, before? - Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

“Was I like him, before? It’s possible. Although it may destroy me, this revolution is my revenge against the stupid Cuban bourgeoisie, against idiots like Pablo. I realise that Pablo isn’t Pablo. It’s my own life. Everything I don’t want to be. It’s good to see them leave. Just as if I threw them up. I remain lucid. It’s a disagreeable lucidity, empty. I know what’s happening to me but I can’t avoid it. He, Laura, everybody.” - Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Memories of Under Development - Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

“One of the things that really gets me about people is their inability to sustain a feeling, an idea, without falling apart.  Elena turned out to be totally inconsistent. It is pure alienation [deterioration] as Ortega [y Gasset] would say. She doesn’t relate one thing to another. That’s one of the signs of underdevelopment: the inability to connect things, to accumulate experience and to develop. It is difficult to produce here a woman shaped by sentiments and culture. It’s a soft environment. Cubans waste their talents adapting themselves to every moment. The people aren’t consistent. And they always need somebody to do their thinking for them.”

- Tomás Gutiérrez Alea