Saturday, January 24, 2009

eating paper: an umemployed metaphor

Message: Bought Teck Kee 'pao' to eat. In my hunger think I ate a bit of the paper at the bottom!

Reply: Haha that happened to me before. But more often with wrapper of 'fruitella', the sweet I used to eat

Message: Ok i think its more forgiving to eat the pao paper by mistake than the fruitella sweet paper! Although its also the hot weather melting the paper on the sweet so it gets stuck

Reply: I am always just too lazy to peel the wrapper off properly,

and also because I hate the feeling when
bits of the sweet get stuck on my nails,
when fingers are sticky -
generally, the same category of inconvenience when superglue dries the tips of my clumsy fingers (where for both situations, I would reach for the tissue despite knowing it won't help much)

I know eating the food wrapping paper
is different from our common experience
of eating an orange together with its fibre;
the banana with the skin (which is unlikely to happen);
'the few strands of hair on her cheek when you kiss her'
(I kissed her and the few strands of hair on her cheek'...
that few strands across her cheek... that one strand in my mouth I licked off, and now on my tongue...);
and definitely not, the awkwardness a guy feels when the girl brings her friend along during the first date

it is of another category, definitely

but all these experiences are surely not the experience of eating the 'white rabbit' milk candy which has the edible wrapper as the gimmick

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