Monday, April 6, 2009

Graffiti in Youth Park Vandalised

'My hubby told me about the report he saw last evening on CNA. It was about how the local graffiti artists were infuriated: their murals on the ramps and walls being painted black. Now the skate park is all black scrawled with huge white letters that says "This is graffiti". He said that it seems the 'neo-minimalists' here have decided to intervene into other spaces. What does 'neo-minimalist' mean, I can't stand his habit of throwing theoretical art jargons. But what to do, I chose to marry someone who majored in art history.
Anyway, I just read from the papers this morning that the vandals have been apprehended. They are not those kids with weird and funny hairdos, smoking and wasting their time doing nothing, hanging around town; but from a renowned school, about a class of them. The reporter used the word 'nerdy' to describe them. That perhaps explains how painting the whole skatepark black overnight is acheivable. It seems the name of the school is left undisclosed intentionally. It is reported that there is a possiblity of them being led by their teacher, who is also a practicing artist known for 'Neo-Marxist inclination' (commented by a museum curator who wish to be anonymous). The police investigating are treating this as a serious case of vandalism, though incomparable to the Michael Fay incident 14 years ago where cars were defaced.
It is also quite funny how the reporter mentioned the way one of the kids wiped his tears with fingers between his eye and glasses. It reminded me of my son, when he cried for getting 72 for Mathematics when he was primary 6.
I am really beginining to totally lose my faith with the education system here, how could a teacher instigate such a thing. The quality of the teachers here is really terrible. I am really sick of the people here, it was their lack of appreciation for art and culture, and now destroying works of art.
I am really looking forward to our move to Melbourne next month. '

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