Monday, January 24, 2011

Q - Wuming Notes

p. 101 - Pitchforks scene description

p.174 - 'It isn't spring, not anymore, April just makes me scratch my scars: the geographical map of lost battles.'

p.210 - She was different, but nonetheless extraordinary, one of those creatures who make you thank God for granting you the chance to walk the earth by their side.

I stare at the dusk that is entering our study and once again I see that sinuous body.

"We knew from the first moment. One day we would wake up somewhere else, far apart, for no necessary reason, following the twisted path of our lives. Ursula was a season, a fifth season of the soul, half autumn, half spring.'

p. 409 - On Banking

p.429 - 'Because the Lutherans are sometimes the best allies against the rebellion of the humblest classes.'

p.557 - On Christ as the statue (to the 5 year old) and why it was a truth told twice.

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