Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Instruction #8 - A Serious Man - Cassius Song

1. A Serious Man could be either a man serious about the subject or a man serious about himself being serious about the subject - in short, takes himself too seriously.
2. The former's devotion and dedication would progress (and at times, charm and impress the others, if not resulting in a form of superior madness) while the latter has the tendency of overshadowing the seriousness of the subject with his/her serious posture, resulting in grand, noble proclamnation: sanctimonious with base introspective self-pitying, slavish ressentiment.
3. The latter cultivates egocentricity and self-righteousness while the former cultivates doubts, self-denial, sefl-criticism and humility.
4. Qn: Is Raskolnikov the former or the latter?

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