Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Speed of Light - Javier Cercas

p.54 - Everybody looks at reality, but few people see t. The artist isn't the one who makes the invisible visible: that really is romanticism, although not the worst kind, the artist is the one who makes visible what's already visible and everybody looks at and nobody can or nobody knows how or nobody wants to see. Probably nobody wants to see it.

p.83-4 - I already know that perfect happiness does not exist, but here I have learned that perfect happiness doesn't exist either...'

p.98 - On Pascal, no one is entirely saddened by a friend's misfortune. [...] this is mean and false but true. The problem is with the word 'entirely. Since I've been here I've seen several friends die: their death have horrified me, infuriated me, made me cry, but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't felt an obscene relief, for the simple reason that the dead man was not me.

p.214 - But what I most remember about that conversation is the end of it, perhaps because at that moment, for the first time, I had the deceptive intuition that the past is not a stable place but changeable, permanently altered by the future, and that therefore none of what had already happened was irreversible.

p.217 - Treno is now one of those interchangeable cafes that American snobs consider European (from Rome) and European snobs consider consider American (from New York)

p.222- on the wall of fifteen years ago photos of baseball stars had changed, not the picture of John Wayne

p.239 - talked through the night till 'finally dawn surprised them both.'

Last page 278 - 'And how does it end?' he asked. I looked around the almost empty bar and, feeling almost happy, answered: 'It ends like this.'

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