Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Notes Land of Dogs

1. Most of the mainlanders do not use youtube
2. The border, if we are refering to the one btw HK and Mainland, is internal, which is to say there isn't a border. The 'border' was enforced by the British after Opium war. HK is not like Scotland, but closer to the status of Gilbraltar. Not wanting to be 'counted as one' is separatist: within an imperialist/nationalist/ethnical framework. Unlike Badiou's dialectics, this case of 'one divides into two' is not revolutionary but was enforced by the colonial-imperial power in the 19th century, the problem of seeing a divide is the 'residue' of colonialism, like the Peranakans.
3. Perhaps, what is 'revolutionary' for East Asians, not only Chineses, is not division but unity. Divide and Conquer was/is an imperilaist strategy used again and again against potential colonies. Perhaps we should not give Badiou who is still a philosopher and Ang Moh too much respect. It must be inverted like what Marx did to Hegel, and Mao to Marx.
Perhaps, what is 'revolutionary' for East Asians, not only the Chinese, is not division but unity. Divide and Conquer was/is an imperilaist strategy used again and again against potential colonies. Perhaps we should not give Badiou who is still a philosopher and Ang Moh too much respect. It must be inverted like what Marx did to Hegel, and Mao to Marx.
‎'Many Hong Kong people don’t think they are Chinese. They shout: ‘We are Hong Kong; you are China,’” Kong said, mocking the Hong Kong Cantonese accent. “These kinds of people got accustomed to being running dogs for British imperialists. Until now they are still dogs.” Such people, he added, “are not human. ... They are dogs of imperialism.”'
‎'Another protester, retired engineer Roger Chow, said Hong Kongers feel Chinese but don’t like the Communist Party, which he said had deformed Chinese culture and tradition. “I’m not against fellow Chinese from the mainland,” he said, “but the party is not China.”' - That was what a petit-bourgeois person in Singapore said to me too. Fuck Chinese culture of defeat and tradition of servility, also ang paos and CNY visits. If one needs to retain one's 'culture' by being colonialised I did rather be a barbarian.

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